Friday, March 29, 2013

National MS Society :)

Hello Everyone!

There has been a lot going on behind the scenes lately.
I wrote the National MS Society and I'm sending them a copy
of our progress book. I'm hoping to get our story featured in their magazine, Momentum.

With the support of the National MS Society behind us, there's nothing we can't do! Cross your fingers for us!!

We are hosting a fundraising page on where we will be selling wooden necklaces. So excited to put them together :)

Check out the photos below for a preview! 

My mom is doing well. We need to spice the diet up a bit and do a little more Tai-Chi, but for the most part things are moving forward.

We have a doctor's appointment with an MS specialist on April 1st. 
Our questions are typed up and ready to go! 

If you have been in a funk lately, have no worries....Spring is here!
Keep your head up and find out who inspires you.

Eat Clean, Live Well <3

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Algae Superfood


Everyone needs to get with some Spirulina! This supplement is incredible and has more benefits than any fruit or veggie. Put a teaspoon of the power into a smoothie a day and you are well on your way to amazing health! Get to it!

A list of health benefits associated 
with Spirulina includes:

    •     Cleansing the body
    •     Speeds muscle recovery
    •     Speeds skin recovery
    •    Builds healthy red blood cells
    •    Increases the health of the digestive system
    •    Reduces  symptoms of hay fever and allergies
    •    Detoxifies the body and the liver
    •    Cleanses the kidneys
    •    Helps with insulin production
    •    Can provide energy and endurance
         and as an anti-inflammatory

"In a study done in Europe that examined the effect that Spirulina has on patients with multiple sclerosis, the researchers said “It has been established that intake of Spirulina makes for lengthening of remission in those patients with disseminated sclerosis (Buletsa et al, 1996)."

Spirulina Contains

vitamin A, B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin),
B3 (niacin), B6 (pyridoxine), B12 (cobalamin),
vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, folate,
vitamin K, biotin, pantothenic acid, beta carotene
 (source of vitamin A), inositol. calcium, manganese,
 iron, chromium, phosphorus, molybdenum,
iodine, chloride, magnesium, sodium, zinc,
potassium, selenium, germanium, copper, boron,
phycocyanin, chlorophyll, carotenoids,
myxoxanthophyll, zeaxanthin, cryptoxanthin,
echinenone and other xanthophylls, gamma
linolenic acid, glycolipids, sulfolipids, polysaccharides,
soleucine, phenylalanine,leucine, threonine, lysine,
tryptophan, methionine, valine, alanine, glycine, arginine,
histidine, aspartic acid, proline, cystine, serine,
glutamic acid, and tyrosine.


Recipe for Smoothie!

- 1 Banana

- 4-5 Strawberries

- 1 handful of Blueberries

- 5-6 baby Carrots

- 2 handfuls of Spinach leaves

- 1 teaspoon of Spirulina

- Add a teaspoon of nutritional yeast and flax seed meal for good measure




Thursday, March 7, 2013

Moving Meditation

Hello All!

Last Saturday a man by the name of Larry Lee from Tennessee payed my family a visit.

Larry is a long time friend of my teacher at the College for Creative Studies. 
He is a Tai Chi (tie-chee) instructor with a heart made of gold. Both him and my teacher, Greg, came over to meet my mom and see what Tai Chi could do to help her.

For those of you who do not know what Tai Chi is,
let me break it down nice and easy....

Tai Chi originated in China and stems from Martial Arts. Many who practiced Martial Arts found that there where many meditative qualities to it, 
thus Tai Chi was born. it involves a lot of deep breathing and focus. Doing simple motions (mostly in some form of a circle) can help with mind and body balance.

This form of healing and meditation thrives off of the earth and life's energy.
Larry uses pressure points on the body to draw out bad or constricted energy. When he did this to my mom she felt relieved and not as tense.  

He would place this pointer finger over his middle finger (on the same hand) and move it in circles on a pressure point. While he did that he would chant:


Those sounds trigger the energy and relax the mind. After he said all five sounds which represent wood, fire, earth, metal, and water, he would pull the pain/bad energy out with his finger tips. It was incredible. 

Larry taught us how to channel our inner chi (energy) and use it in a productive yet relaxing way. Tai Chi gave my family a lot of hope with my mom's disease.  This method of meditation can make her life easier, help build muscle tone, and give her some piece of mind and relaxation. My dad and I even gave it a try!

When the mind and body are relaxed and you experience less stress the body is able to produce more healthy cells and repair damaged ones. 

That is a key element to living with MS and not letting it get you down.

Another aspect of Tai Chi is the stone, Jade. This precious stone helps channel energy from human to human. I saw it work on my mother and it was unreal.

Before Larry left back to Tennessee he took a jade necklace right off his neck and said, "I want you to have this, wear it all the time and practice with your mother."

I was so humbled I couldn't believe it. This man's passion is healing people and he will go great distances to help. We need more Larrys in this world.

I can't thank you enough for the hope you have given us.
From the bottom of my heart, I appreciate everything you have done.

Big thanks to Larry and Greg.